24 Feb

Are you taking solutions to your problems for granted?  Do you have the ability to see a path forward, a way to maximize your concept and make it reality? My experience shows that not everyone sees the big picture, the overall objective that the visionary leader has in mind. Often times it requires someone with an independent perspective to step into the picture to provide objective guidance and insight into roadblocks. Achieve value with the following insight.

My dad, a tradesman, furnace repairman during the winter and a journeyman electrician during the summer set an example by which I will forever will be grateful. He exemplified this by some of the following attributes.


Anything is possible so long as you try and do your best. Step back and view the opportunity in light of the goal.

Leverage the skills you have:

What you don’t know, learn, try, fail and try again, refining your lessons along the way. This is called experience.

Formal education is only a piece of learning. More often it is applied experience that utilizes information learned to maximize results. 

Problem solving: 

What you don't know, ask someone that does. If you are not an architect, ask someone who is and can guide you.

Identify the obstacles and roadblocks. Likely it will be people's preconceived mindsets that are the biggest obstacles to overcome and which will present resistance to change. 


God has provided many resources around you.  People, finance, materials, etc. See beyond limitations  and recognize the potential that experience brings to fast-track meeting your objectives.

God given assets:

Biblical Truth:

Foundational truth is required to direct your moral compass.  Without it we flounder, unable to discern knowledge from wisdom.  Seek counsel from someone who has this foundation, Bible based guidance for optimized perspective.

Brains: Not Artificial Intelligence

Gifted with the ability to think, we have the opportunity to think outside the box. Do not assume that everyone as this ability. The obstacles in front of us can be overwhelming and distort our thinking. Not everyone can imagine the box thinker can take a set of tennis ball canisters and make a potato launcher.


The dexterity and flexibility of your hands gives you the ability to shape a clay pot, build a brick wall or write a letter asking for assistance or help.


The ability to move, to walk around and the flexibility to respond has b


Innovate. Creating a soccer field out of a rice paddy that floods

Emotional Quotient:

Empathize and understand that people are always dealing with some hardship or difficulty in their lives.  Be available and a resource of encouragement and affirmation of availability to help them move through the challenges of life.  Gif of yourself, physically, emotionally and spiritually.


Manifest patience in working through issues with people. If you are patient and listen for the why, you will have better understanding on dealing with the "how".  Solutions will be forthcoming.


If you remain aware of your surroundings, those powers of observations will increase in your  daily life, your business decisions and your relationships.  Build upon this awareness.

Practice these simple steps to improve your situation. If you are overwhelmed, get help from someone that you trust.  I have built trust with may clients using these same simple insights.

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